“Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar, When I put out to sea"
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Morning Tea Venture in Penang 2008
The day of this venture started since yesterday (28-June-2008) but both of us missed the rapid U502…If not we can enjoy it as we expected… What kind of venture I mentioned here??? I think most of you are very blur and don't know what I’m talking about here… Actually this is the story between me and Brother CJ Lee. Both of us are desired for the morning tea “dim sum” for almost half year already, therefore we planned to go to the Farlim “dim sum” restaurant for the morning tea on Saturday. He told me that the bus of the rapid Penang of U502 will travel down to the Farlim around 8.30am and he said we must go to the bus station early. I agreed to go there with the U502 for the “dim sum” special.
On that day morning, I reached there earlier than CJ and was about 8.20am and CJ arrived around 8.25am. Both of us sat on the bus station there and waiting for our bus. We really very excited and talk about when was our last time of having this kind of meal. We wait and wait and the bus still not come back yet. We getting no mood already and feel quite tired and lazy like that...Suddenly we saw the rapid bus U502 travelled down from the hill and we really happy coz our dream getting nearer.Hehehehe…so we wait for it no matter how tired.
We won’t give up one…we travelled down to the “dim sum” restaurant Farlim by car on the next day. We don't wan to miss the opportunity again. The beautiful Sunday with all the nice nice “dim sum” on the table… I really very hungry already…all the “dim sums” are hunger for my touch before I started to eat them. It is hard to believe that both of us can eat about RM32 for the “dim sum” morning tea. This is our venture of morning tea coz we used up all the energy and the space of the stomach to fulfill the “dim sum”. We felt so full after ate the “dim sum” and we also get the feeling of satisfied with all the food. We can say we spend our life for this kind of morning special. I’m sure CJ Lee also feeling the same. What we have eaten can be shown by the picture above. I think we will have this again after half year or one year. The mission of eating “dim sum” will be continued.
最近我开始想念一位朋友,我们认识已有6年了!回想起那个时候我真的好傻的,我真的不懂得珍惜你!还好的是我们到今天还有联络着!我还记得刚认识你的感觉,那感觉就是甜蜜!第一天见到你的时候,就是感觉很普通的;认识你过后,对你的看法完全改变了!我觉得你是个很特别的女生,我们俩也很谈得来!我听你的故事多过我讲故事,我就是喜欢你的坦白,还有那可爱的笑容及声音!到现在,我偶尔还会回忆着,实在太怀念了!我和你之间实在有太多的第一次了,我忘不了!在你不开心的时候,我都会安慰你,关心你等等!最难忘的也是我第一次向你表白,过后不敢面对你的,一直逃避的,好失败的! 自从离开公司后,我们就没有见面了!你现在已是人家的少奶奶了!我唯有能做的就是祝福您幸福快乐,还有的是偶尔想想你这位朋友吧!你会是我心里永远都不会忘掉的那一位!永远永远的记在心里的宝盒里!我们有的是开心浪漫的回忆!我可以感受到你对我的感觉的!逃避你是我那时候的错,也是我一生人的遗憾!永远拟扑不了的伤痛………………