Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

Open school alr....
Got a lot of works to do alr...
Results also known alr...
Return to campus really make me feel lazy...

Just wish and hope that this new semester is a new start for me again...
Just wish and hope that I can have a nice and happy year of 2009....
Just wish and hope that I can have a nice silent night...Merry Christmas..
Just wish and hope that I can go back to home town soon...

After this semester, then have to say BYE BYE to Universiti Malaysia Terengganu lo...
Time gone damn fast....
Just fully make use of it ....hehehehehe

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009 to everyone ....

Monday, December 15, 2008

End of the Working Life in Terengganu 2008

I can put a full stop for my working life in Terengganu 2008. I can away from all the heavy box already....wahahahahahaa...but at the same time I can say that my hand and body become stronger and can adapt to the heavy duty if compare to last time. It is good for me too. I have to appreciate this job too..hehehehe..some more I also feel happy that I can travel to everywhere witht the lorry ard the state of Terengganu......Is the time to say bye bye for this work.......The pictures below are all my working life picture when on the way to deliver goods and also the goods that I need to carry up and down. hahaha

unforgettable heavy boxes

when the lorry park under the FELDA building really looks different

I have to refill all this big bottle of water when it is empty before deliver

All the big bottle are fullfill with water one, try and think of it(heavy) if carry up and down everyday. hahaha...gain muscle lo

On the way to Paka if not mistaken...hehehe..I was in the lorry too....

Here is Paka....nothing different coz also Terengganu area just 100km away from Kuala Terengganu

End up my Terengganu working life 2008 today....hohohohoho.....waiting for the arrival of the new semester lo......all the best 2009!!!!!!!!!!


龙运医院pelan lakar

2008年12月11日, 这天呢我参于师姑们到龙运(Dungun)做访视。这一次是我第二次到龙运做访视,所以感觉还好的。我很感恩的是我可以在这一次的访视中见到了“爱的循环”。该如何开始这个“爱的循环”这个特别且又感人的故事呢???哈哈....在龙运的感恩户呢,有两户是在同一个花园的。一户是马来友族感恩户,另一位是基督教徒的感恩户。慈济人把爱传出去,把爱带送到他们那里。开始的时候,慈济人接到的个案只有这马来友族感恩户,过后又接到了这基督教徒的感恩户。就是这样巧的,两户都是同个花园,所以慈济人就给他们互相的介绍。就酱,他们认识了。马来友族感恩户呢,男主人之前因为工作受伤后现在无法工作,小儿子呢经常生病所以经济来源真的成了问题。基督教徒的感恩户呢,这位年老的阿麻是为很好的母亲,有一位很孝顺的儿子。母亲其实有糖尿病,行动也不便。儿子的收入也不多,也是有经济的问题。这两户感恩户很让我们感动,每当马来感恩户儿子到吉隆坡动手术的时候,基督教徒感恩户会到马来感恩户那里帮忙看顾屋子。每当基督教徒感恩户的那位孝顺儿子到远门工作,马来友族感恩户会到基督教徒的感恩户那里照顾孝顺儿子的母亲,帮忙打扫屋子。他们之间的感情,友情是很难在这形容得到的..这一次的访视中,真得让我见到了这爱的循环,基督教徒感恩户孝顺儿子的母亲因为糖分过低而进入了医院,当我们把消息告诉马来友族感恩户后,从他们的眼神里头我能发现到他们的关心。他们也还蛮担心的。就因为酱他们跟了我们到龙运的医院去探望孝顺儿子的母亲。当马来感恩户的女主人见到顺儿子的母亲的时候,他们拥抱着。那一幕真的很感人,双方都掉泪的。他们俩聊聊了蛮久,真的有说不完的故事。在医院的时候的感觉,对我来说真的真的很感恩,可以在他们身上见到了这感人的一幕。他们双方面呢都很了解对方的....这是我第二次的和他们见面,所以对他们的故事也不是很了解,我想如果师姑能把这故事从开始的纪录下来我想真的会很很感人。在医院的那一刻,我永远都忘不了的!真的很感恩!


2008年12月11日, 在2008年将近岁末之际,用感恩的心送走2008年,登嘉楼慈济办了第一场"静思勤行道.慈济人间路" 岁末祝福活动. 在这一天,我真的很惊喜也很感恩因为我真的没预料到我们的大家长会出席这次登州举办的岁末祝福活动.大家长是谁呢???我们的大家长呢,他就是我们最敬爱的郭濟航师伯咯!哈哈...见到他的那一刻真的很惊喜也很感动的. 那天郭师伯提早抵达了登州慈济会所,在节目还没开始的时候我们在坐的每一位都被郭师伯邀请出来分享.我就是那么的幸运的第一位被师伯点中的慈青,所以第一位出来分享的人就是我.我觉得我说得不是很好,因为时突然间的被点到,所以不懂得该怎么的说...很感恩的因为我可以在师伯面前分享. 在岁末祝福进行的时候,郭师伯也分享了他吃泥巴饼的故事.真的很搞笑的.说回来,泥巴饼给我的感觉就是很难吃的.我们真的有的选着不吃,但想想海地的人有的选吗?他们有的连泥巴饼都买不起....我们真的要感恩的. 师姑学姐们还有手语表演,真的好棒的....接下来的节目是唸誦大藏經、發福慧紅包等,期盼人人能心寬念慈,共同建立美善人生. 登嘉楼慈济将在下个月(2009年1月2日)在办场对外的岁末祝福活动. 我们要人人都能得到祝福...感恩!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Working Life in Terengganu 2008

Hallo! Mr Magic... Nice to meet you here...hahaha...Actually who is the Mr Magic ? The Mr Magic actually is the stall of snack and dessert which make with the corn flour and also corn and others. I worked at the counter of the Mr Magic in the last 3 days at Giant of Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu...Really so nice and so happy to work there coz can learn something new and gain new working experience here.

Mr Magic Counter

My job at Mr Magic really interesting....I have to learn how to bake the kaya ball, waffle and magic corn. The feeling of baking the kaya ball really different la..I like to bake kaya ball, I also don know why..when the kaya ball is baked, really make me feel so satisfied and happy. A lot of customer like to buy my kaya ball, when getting more people buy the kaya ball then really make me feel so proud of it...I also have learn the procedures of mix up the corn flour for the kaya ball and also the waffle. I feel like myself is a baker already. hehehe....
mixing the corn flour

kaya ball made by me

selling kaya ball

As for today, no more Mr Magic already lo...hahaha...My boss not only doing the business of Mr Magic (magic corn: but he still got other business there. He is also doing the drinking water business here ( Terengganu). He is doing the drinking water supplying business. I allocated to this business today. I have to follow the lorry to deliver the goods(drinking water) to the customer. My first trip can be considered as a hard trip....This is because I have to carry up and also carry down all the drinking water from the lorry. box by box ( more than 200+++boxes of drinking water I had took up from the lorry in the first trip. I feel like wanna die like that...never expected that the work is so hard and used all the energy...

First trip, the big lorry

The drinking water (500ml) so heavy man

After the lunch or rest, I have to start with the second trip again and deliver the goods to the customer again. This time I have to arrange all the drinking water into the lorry. Damn tired with this task...not easy first time of working with lorry and travel around in Terengganu.....

Second Trip, follow this small lorry

I arranged all the drinking water box inside here

not full yet...wanna die already (need 100++)

Tomorrow is the other challenge day for me again.....haha..I think tomorrow will travel far lo...going to Dungun and other place of Terengganu to deliver the drinking water....hahaha...Good luck Hacken Ong!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sorry For Loving You

I'm so sorry for knowing you
I'm so sorry for getting into your world
I'm so sorry for disturbing you

I'm so sorry for can't forgetting you

I'm so sorry for can't helping you when you are sad
I'm so sorry for can't cheer you up when you are down

I'm really so sorry for having a feeling on you
I'm really so sorry for the thing that I did
I'm really so sorry for always thinking of you

I'm getting upset, sorry for crying
I'm sorry for crying myself to sleep and
I really sorry for being so weak
sorry for always see you in the dream of mine in the nite

I'm so sorry for you and me

I'm so sorry that I have a strong feeling on you

I'm so sorry that I have started to fall in love

I'm so sorry to myself again

I must must must let go
Really really really sorry for loving you

Friday, December 5, 2008




今天的我参与师姑师伯们去士兆(Setiu)做访视。士兆其实还蛮远的,从瓜拉登嘉楼出发,大概靠近两小时的车程才抵达士兆着小地方。在这一次的访视中呢,我见到的一切比较不一样。我从来没想过在士兆那里会有那么的乡村,而且他们的生活跟我们比起来真的真的大不同。这里是东海岸,现在又是雨季,水灾很容易会发生因为村屋都很靠近河边。在士兆的村里,真的很多简陋的木屋,跟城市比较起来的话真的是两个世界了。我今天的角色呢就是村里的每位感恩户“孙子”。今天到访的感恩户大多数是健康的阿公阿麻,他们都很健谈,都聊得很开心的。有一位,阿公他见到我们的到来,他真得很开心的。他一开口和我说话就告诉我关于这里下雨淹水的情形,他说这里的雨水淹得很高。他还告诉我他家前有时候会有山猪来捣乱的。他还告诉我们关于他的兄弟姐妹的故事。我知道我们的到访,他一定很开心的。老人家一个人的日子真的很孤独的,真不容易过。我们的关心真的很很重要,要时时刻刻记得老人家哦!过后,我们到另一感恩户那里(同一个乡村),见到另一位阿公还有一位阿麻。他们见到我们的那一刻,真的笑得见牙不见眼的。我见到他们我真的也是感到欢喜,因为可以听阿公阿麻说故事的。说真的,这位阿公说的故事还蛮难明白的因为他用的福建话里头有着很重的登州马来语。有时候还是捉不到他说什么的,但是他的马来诗歌一级棒。这位阿公真的很像马来人的,如果他向我说马来话的话,我真的会当他是马来阿公咯!在离开的那一刻,他很感恩的,一直说不懂如何报答我们。我们向他们说,我们只希望见到阿公阿麻,开开心心健健康康平安的就够了。我还向他们说,我是你们的孙子哦!要记得我哦!接下来的另一家的感恩户,这一位呢,是个可爱的阿麻,她的笑容总是挂在嘴边的。她给了我一个很亲切的感觉的。她问我听得懂福建话吗?我说当然听得懂,只不过有点不一样的。她的笑容还在我的脑海中,难以忘怀的。哈哈。真的要向阿麻多多学习。我们接下来又到另一感恩户去。这位阿姨见到我们的到访也是一样充满笑容的。这位阿姨在简陋的木屋前做生意,小杂货店。在屋里头呢,我和她聊比较多。原来她住那里将近四十年了。她和一位行动不便的姐姐在一起,女儿都不在身边的。和她聊天的过程,可以感觉到她很开心欢喜的,好久家里没那么的热闹的了。原来我的力量是那么的大的。我和阿姨也有说有笑的,真的真的很不一样的感觉,很难形容的。可能就是上人师公说的“法喜”吧! 在我们离开的那一刻,我可以感觉到她真的很舍不得我们的。从她的眼神我能深深的感觉到的。在这一次的访视中,我最不适应的是登州北部的福建话, 很不一样的。可能我是来自槟城的缘故,听惯槟城福建了。我很感恩的,因为能陪伴阿公阿麻。他们让我想起了我的爷爷及奶奶,虽然他们已经往生了,我心里永远都会有着他们的存在,他们陪我成长的过程幕幕的在脑中浮现出来。真的好感恩!这天真的是我感恩的一天。

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

PEACE of the nite

So so so peace tonite....No more raining sound in the nite. The feeling totally different with yesterday. I feel so relax here...but, I am sure tomorrow will raining again..hahaha...Just wish and hope that the rain will stop at the right time and will not cause everywhere flooding seriously will do. I still feel so so so lonely tonite. no choice la...sighs.....Just wish and hope that I will have a blessing day tomorrow. I was so lucky for this afternoon because can enjoy the keropok lekor during lunch time. I feel so satisfied. hahaha. I almost forget that I am still a lekor King here. wahahaha...some more can have fun and talk nonsense with my coursemate during lab time. hehe. Just now my aunt called me and asked me about my status coz she read the news bout UMT flooding. I feel so touch cause she still care bout me. Really really so so so happy and touch. Actually, I lost my direction recently, I really wish and hope that I can get back to the normal track as soon as possible. I feel like I am not myself like that....Only her can make me feel the different...and I wish that I can have more chance and talk and share with her soon...FRIENDSHIP FOREVER!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Eternal Rain

The raining day here really drive me crazy...Once raining, I can't go out and do my thing, my work already....this eternal rain getting famous and cause here flooding there flooding and so on. I also can feel the flood that occur around the housing area here although is not that serious. The campus flooding today, no one can enter easily, sad.I like volleyball but the rain not allow me to go out and play with it. Keep in the house everyday and eat instant noodles only, no chance to go out and buy food to eat.....when I see the noodles really wanna vomit alr. I feel so guilty of eating the noodles because it is entirely not healthy for me eating for each meal. If I am now at my hometown, I no need to worry about my meal. Everyday can eat different kind of delicious dish that cooked by my mother. what I wan to eat she sure will cook for me. But now, alone, raining, and FYP really killing me in this holiday season. Although I get a 100% freedom here, but I not really happy. I rather have no freedom and go back to be together with my family.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Good Luck

Still have 2 to go......This is a long distance run since the 4th November till now. Feel so tired in running from the starting point and now is near to the end point. Why say so? ha-ha..My exam still in the journey...still have 2 papers to go....After the final exam then the semester 5 is over lo...Ha-ha....But for today, I really feeling so so tired after the exam paper ...don know what to say over here alr....Just hope can do the best for the last paper papers then feel enough and happy alr...After finish the exam, the first thing I will do is watching movie or drama series to fullfill back all the time that I had used for the final exam. Some more is eating the keropok lekor here which is my famous snack in Terengganu.......hopefully the weather after the exam allow me go to the seaside and enjoy my snack and also the nice sea view. I also miss a lot of food in Penang ...Just wish that I can grab the chance to eat it when going back to Penang during the month of December.....finally, ALL THE BEST ONG SANG CHEE....hehehe...

Friday, November 14, 2008


早上醒来的时候真的超累的,也许睡不饱吧!醒了后真的很很懒惰,什么都不想做的。还好让我想起今天是慈幼班毕业典礼。最终还是去了,因为想到了可爱的小菩萨们,再加上今天那特美的天气!到了慈济会所后的感觉,真的大不同,真的不一样!当我见到了一群活泼的小菩萨们,我的心情真的很轻松的。最让我难忘的那一课是看上人开示的那一刻,有一位小菩萨说:“他要把贪念缩小到零点,把大爱扩大到遍虚空”。他说他贪肉,要把贪肉这念头缩小到零点。 我觉得自己很惭愧,因为我没想过要把贪念缩小到零点这点,有时候还是会贪的,其他方面都还是一样。 “贪念缩小到零点”是我的第一步,希望能慢慢的调好自己的每一个坏习惯,然后再来“把大爱扩大到遍虚空”。在玩游戏的当儿,难得的一个机缘让我与这位小菩萨一起享受游戏过程。其实,这是一个亲子游戏,因为那位菩萨的家长提早回了,所以我就暂时当他的爸爸来陪他玩咯!我们都玩的很开心的,最好笑的是这位小菩萨很喜欢叫我“师姑”。他真的叫错了,我也没那么老而且还是男生啊!我还是叫他称呼我为“哥哥”在恰当,不然真的太可笑了。真的好久好久没和小朋友在一起了。很感恩的。希望还有机会与大家一同学习的。

Monday, October 27, 2008



2008年10月17日,今天是我参于慰访的一天。今天的慰访地点是瓜拉登嘉楼的儿童中心。这一次的慰访让我再次的见到“见苦知福” 我真的很很幸福的了。在我还没抵达目的地的时候,我是保持着平常心的到儿童中心去。一踏进去后的我,感觉真的很不同,有点不习惯的。我见到的儿童,多数都是障碍儿童。有的呢,行动不便,还有的是四肢残障,自虐等等。我的心情真的难以形容,真的很难过,我想起自己开开心心的快乐童年,我真的很感恩了。也谢谢我的父母亲们让我健康快乐的成长。


Monday, October 6, 2008



Thursday, September 25, 2008

Balik Kampung

Almost is the time to get ready to go back to home town alr. Still have a few hours to go....actually I feel like so happy and excited one, just when think of the assignment and the final year project then feel so down and lazy alr. Really feel hard to forget about that....I'm here wish all my friend have a nice and happy Raya holiday.....................................

Sunday, September 14, 2008



Wednesday, September 10, 2008


2008年9月10日,9.15am........这个时间是我最担心的,因为是Final Year Project Presentation。 刚才和她聊了一些,好让她开心点点,感觉还好的!压力是有的,有了她的支持,感觉真的很不错了!我送了她一样东西,她好开心的.....那就是巧克力-----巧妙方法克服压力!这个方法我是借来用的,真得很有意思!希望能让多一些人开心的! 她支持我,真的给了我很大的勇气来面对!尽量就是了!希望成功!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


还好的是她有一班很好的朋友们, 都很关心她的,鼓励她的。

Thursday, August 28, 2008



Sunday, August 24, 2008


I feel so free and comfortable when playing volleyball. I will not think of my worries while playing volleyball. All my sad thing and bad thing will leave behind me. I will focus for the game as what I can. I will fight in the game when playing the volleyball. Really so nice. I hope can have more time for me to consume with the volleyball. I miss Bayan Indah, the volleyball court and also the police member those who play the volleyball with in the last 2 months. I hope can go back to join back the game soon. I love you!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008



Friday, August 22, 2008



Morning Tea Venture in Penang 2008

The day of this venture started since yesterday (28-June-2008) but both of us missed the rapid U502…If not we can enjoy it as we expected… What kind of venture I mentioned here??? I think most of you are very blur and don't know what I’m talking about here… Actually this is the story between me and Brother CJ Lee. Both of us are desired for the morning tea “dim sum” for almost half year already, therefore we planned to go to the Farlim “dim sum” restaurant for the morning tea on Saturday. He told me that the bus of the rapid Penang of U502 will travel down to the Farlim around 8.30am and he said we must go to the bus station early. I agreed to go there with the U502 for the “dim sum” special.

On that day morning, I reached there earlier than CJ and was about 8.20am and CJ arrived around 8.25am. Both of us sat on the bus station there and waiting for our bus. We really very excited and talk about when was our last time of having this kind of meal. We wait and wait and the bus still not come back yet. We getting no mood already and feel quite tired and lazy like that...Suddenly we saw the rapid bus U502 travelled down from the hill and we really happy coz our dream getting nearer.Hehehehe…so we wait for it no matter how tired.

Finally the bus reached and halted at the station. At this moment, we felt like wan to enter the bus and also afraid of enter the bus because we afraid the bus not ready to travel out yet. One of the aunties from the bus station asked the driver about the time for the U502 to travel down to Farlim and the driver said is 9.30am. When we heard about this, we were dizzying……so we went to the market to take the light breakfast before 9.30am. Unfortunately, our U502 depart the bus station before 9.30am, that mean we’re cheated...We lost the chance to go for the “dim sum” venture…sighs…

We won’t give up one…we travelled down to the “dim sum” restaurant Farlim by car on the next day. We don't wan to miss the opportunity again. The beautiful Sunday with all the nice nice “dim sum” on the table… I really very hungry already…all the “dim sums” are hunger for my touch before I started to eat them. It is hard to believe that both of us can eat about RM32 for the “dim sum” morning tea. This is our venture of morning tea coz we used up all the energy and the space of the stomach to fulfill the “dim sum”. We felt so full after ate the “dim sum” and we also get the feeling of satisfied with all the food. We can say we spend our life for this kind of morning special. I’m sure CJ Lee also feeling the same. What we have eaten can be shown by the picture above. I think we will have this again after half year or one year. The mission of eating “dim sum” will be continued.


最近都是很懒惰的,没有心情的!假期差不多也到尾声了!真的开始害怕了,好多东西要做的!无论如何还是要做好来,不可以轻易的放弃!死要死得值得!这几天算过得还好吧!昨天的我还好有朋友约我吃晚饭,然后到他们家去聊天,聊了好多好多的!好开心的,好久没有这感觉了!我们还玩百万富翁呢!好好笑的感觉,但是真的很开心!两天前,我们还一起,炒米粉,炒面,然后一起用餐! 这感觉好久没有了,真的很有热闹的感觉!


最近我开始想念一位朋友,我们认识已有6年了!回想起那个时候我真的好傻的,我真的不懂得珍惜你!还好的是我们到今天还有联络着!我还记得刚认识你的感觉,那感觉就是甜蜜!第一天见到你的时候,就是感觉很普通的;认识你过后,对你的看法完全改变了!我觉得你是个很特别的女生,我们俩也很谈得来!我听你的故事多过我讲故事,我就是喜欢你的坦白,还有那可爱的笑容及声音!到现在,我偶尔还会回忆着,实在太怀念了!我和你之间实在有太多的第一次了,我忘不了!在你不开心的时候,我都会安慰你,关心你等等!最难忘的也是我第一次向你表白,过后不敢面对你的,一直逃避的,好失败的! 自从离开公司后,我们就没有见面了!你现在已是人家的少奶奶了!我唯有能做的就是祝福您幸福快乐,还有的是偶尔想想你这位朋友吧!你会是我心里永远都不会忘掉的那一位!永远永远的记在心里的宝盒里!我们有的是开心浪漫的回忆!我可以感受到你对我的感觉的!逃避你是我那时候的错,也是我一生人的遗憾!永远拟扑不了的伤痛………………