Thursday, December 17, 2009

Watching Sunset

When talking about the sunset, I could sense a sweet and romantic feeling blows internally in my heart just like a gentle breeze blow on my face when I am siting on the big rock at the seaside. When I was down and unhappy, I will at the seaside and enjoying watching the sunset. Gazing at the western horizon, there are white and grey clouds could be seen in the sky. The sun sometimes is well hidden behind the white and grey clouds. I like to see this kind of view, this view remind me that our life is similar to this phenomena too. If we are the sun, we will hide ourselves behind some reasons or something, and re-appear again when we are recovered. Don’t forget that the color of the white and grey clouds will change color too, just like us, we will change too. We will change ourselves to fit in a suitable situation such as our working environment, working life and so on. The most beautiful moment when enjoying the sunset is the time when the white and grey clouds change to orange hues and followed by the shades of red and yellow. At that moment, the whole western sky is fullfilled by the color of gold, red, yellow and orange with splash. It is similar to our life too; our human life is colorful and sometime is up and down. We need to put the right color and select the correct colors to our own life. The beautiful moment of sunset will go off soon when the stars began to appear in the sky. This is another stage of the sunset when the sun sinks into the sea. The stars in the sky can be considered as the achivement of us in our life. The brighter the stars we could see, the greatest the achivement we have within with us. From the other angle of enjoying the sunset, when the sun sink into the sea and this means that today is end and the past is the past. When seeing the stars appear in the sky, there are the hopes that set up for us for a new day come. We need to appreciate the hopes given and utilize it well in a new day. If we are feeling down today, after the sunset there is a happy day will rise up on tomorrow as well. I like sunset because you are the part of my life. You are my sunshine too!!! I wish to take my dream girl or future wife to meet you as soon as possible. Friendship forever!

Be Positive While Driving

Count in today….Almost 4 times already…I could feel that I am blessed by the god. Why I say so??? What was happening actually???? I would like to say as I afraid of road accident!!!!!! Luckily that I don have heart attack because when the scary moment came to me that time, it really shocking me and will lead me to die in any seconds. I am a very mindful person but somehow when the problem wants to take place on me I couldn’t avoid too. Most of the time, the accident occur is due to the mistake that made by the careless driver. I have to accept it as well but fortunately I am saved. There will be some reasons that hidden behind when an accident happen. The main cause of the accident is more to those irresponsible motorcylist and motorcar driver. I hate the motorcylist who is not keeping to their lanes and never pay attention to the signal, not caring and not give a way. Sometime take over the other rider at the wrong lane or dangerous situation. Sometimes, we are alert, focus, mindful and careful but other people are not. Dont want to talk details on this anymore…when mentioning about this I could feel that the seed of phobia which was planted into my mind keep on bothering me again and again. Seriously, I want to enhance the skills of driving and make it to become more defensive and I want to be a great defensive driver as well. If I can be more defensive then I can reduce the chances of the accident happen. I want to be better than now. I also hope that the attitudes of a driver need to have a change, when it comes to a safe driving, there is only one person to depend and rely on: yourself.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009



Sunday, October 25, 2009

Special for You !!!

Author: Ong Sang Chee
Created Date: 30 May 2009
Edited on 23 Oct 2009

Light of Candle

Golden colour, the colour of a candle’s light in the sky
The scene of a peaceful mind
The candle’s light sharpens my eye sight
To let me see you clearly in the dark time
The moonlight’s reflection occurred in the night
Brightens up the little corner of my heart
Displays a beauty of you in my life
To alert myself to think of you and keep you tight
Never to forget you and never to hide
You are the sunshine in this world of mine
Thus, I shouldn’t be shy

Thursday, October 22, 2009


梁文音 - 最幸福的事

你撑着雨伞 接我那次
已经足够我 记得一辈子
我懂後来你 不是不坚持
爱情本来就 没万无一失

泪水离开了 你的手指
那不如让它 留在这信纸
我想女孩子 最贴心的是
让爱的人选 结束的方式

我最幸福的事 当过你的天使
趁鼻酸能掩饰 让我们像当时拥抱最後一次
最幸福的事 吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势
为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事

可惜爱不是 童话故事
不能够永远 依赖着王子
再难过其实 只剩两个字
我怎麽忍心 为难你解释

我最幸福的事 当过你的天使
趁鼻酸能掩饰 让我们像当时拥抱最後一次
最幸福的事 吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势
为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事

那一阵子有你 美得不像现实
多高兴每一幕 都微笑着静止

我最幸福的事 牵着你的日子
一段爱从开始 即使分开我们都对彼此诚实
最幸福的事 对那片海用力大喊永远的样子
想得起的事 那天和你傻笑着认识 是最幸福的事

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


很想用这一首歌来说说我的心情。我真的“对你有感觉”。每一次当我把眼睛闭上的时候,你就出现了!尤其是你的笑容,当你笑的时候真的很甜很甜的。真的没想到我已经把你的笑容给录起来的。你知道吗? 你给我的力量也很大的。


Wednesday, September 2, 2009



蓝天白云的 还有海边的美景

总是期待 期待 期待 一个好的开始 .......

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Waiting for so many days...finally I'm accepted by the Ministry of Human Resources for the place and train program. It is a good chance for me to train up myself in this program and I'm sure that in the end of the program I will become much more better than before. At the same time, I am so surprise to receive a mail from Celestica (M) Sdn Bhd and offer me a position of Technical Buyer. I am so grateful that they offer me this position and pre-qualified me. The problem for me is I cant go far from Penang at this moment since the company is at Kulim. I have to reject the offer with heart pain. I really don know is good for me to reject or not. I just know that I have not get ready at this moment. I prefer Penang. I am now hoping that I can perform well in everything as i can.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I am waiting for the good news at this moment.hehehe...I was just registered for the Internship program of engineering students yesterday.This is a pilot initiative program collaborating with the Ministry of Human Resource & Industry partners. The class will start on 17 August 2009 and is from monday to friday (3 months). I am now really feeling like going back to school to study again. This is a good opportunity for me to prepare myself with this training before I get into the real working world. Hope to receive the latest news from the organization next week.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


有一种很独特的感觉回来了!!! 我不懂那是什么样的感觉,但是我知道的是这感觉给了我很大的力量! 大学毕业后的这两个月可说是我的假期,大多数的时间都呆在家有时候真的闷到要命的!很想称自己为“宅男王”的。除了呆在家外, 差不多每个周末都会参与些活动来充实自己及顺便打发掉我的时间,不然真的会闷到生病的咯! 这项活动让我走遍马来西亚半岛,说到累呢真的很累,但只不过是身体上的累! 心灵上的欢喜真的满满,自己学到得到的也很多,得到的就是所谓的“经验”咯!

说回这独特的感觉,真得让我感到特别不一样!这感觉好像不见很久了,如果没错的话在我中五毕业后就慢慢的消失掉了。那个时候的我真的很有感觉哦! 每天很早上很早就起身上学了,且从来没有喊过累及睡不醒的。那强烈的力量总是环绕着我,使我很有心的到学校去上课! 说真的,那独特的感觉其实是我班上一位女生给我的。因为她,所以我就有这特别强的力量!有时候,我真的觉得自己真的很幼稚,因为一个人才会有特别的力量感觉之类的。 那个时候, 她都很早到学校因为住得比较远的关系!我每一天早到,都是希望可以和她单独的相处。那一段日子真的很留念的,实在忘不了的。

回到了现在,虽然我和她还有联络但是那特别的感觉已不再……现在,能让我拥有这感觉的是另一位女生!我认识这女生也不久,可是她能给我带来的感觉真的大不同。我们虽然见过面,知道对方是谁,就是没有正面的交谈。我自己也是个害羞的男生,有时候面对女生也不懂该说些什么的。我不是很了解这女生,但是从她的部落格里我可以知道她的心情故事,最近怎样的。每一次见到她,总是让我感觉到她心情繁重很少见到她的笑容!真的希望下一次见到她的时候是特别开心的! 也真的希望下一次见面,我和她可以好好的聊天,听一听她的声音!因为有“她”给我的感觉,我每天都很开心! 我很希望能和她成为很好的朋友,也很期待她的心情故事!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

“歌 名”代表作

我不想再见到自己流泪,我也不想让你见到我所掉下的眼泪。但是,我还是无法控制我自己的眼泪!每一个夜里,眼泪还是一样往下滴!滴在我和你的照片上,生日卡上及信封上!你走后,我忘了哭, 直到自己觉得不能没有你后才开始不停的哭!可惜的是, 哭解决不了我的伤痛!


我的爱,是你给我的吗?偷心,是你的目的吗?因为爱我们才能好好恋爱吗?终于明白,我们之间并没有那种人们常说的童话!你喜欢向左走还是向右走的呢?Missing you 也许是你的借口,只有我爱你才是遗矢的美好!起身叫我,去沙滩陪我看日出!一起分享美丽的早晨, 一起给自己留下快乐的回忆!

讲你知,我是真的真的很爱你!请你记得我对你说的每一句话! 我想见你,但不是每一个时间都能见到你,因为在寂寞边界!当你孤单你会想起谁,而我却忘了怎么哭!原来爱情不能做比较,就是爱你才会有爱的借口,如果你不爱我,那就分手快乐吧!我不再是little boy 了,我要love and freedom, 不要说你不知道!

今生今世,我都会永远守候着你,没有你就没有代表作!有了你就不孤单, 能一起看流星雨,在烟火季节看美丽烟花!你是我心中的日月, 我爱你就像老鼠爱大米, 两极也能混为一级!你是我匿名的宝贝吗?我们的爱有原点吗?我们依然是朋友,你好就好!希望永远不停止,希望能保持这美味关系!

全世界只有你不知道,在那一年这一天,最勇敢的季节里,我为你种了很多茉莉花!我们都知道微笑的理由,那就是因为爱!!!!别说对不起,我不是被你伤害的!!爱你就对了,make a wish, my love !!! 记得我爱你!不要再让我从新加波流泪到新山就好了!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Candle Light

Golden color the candle light in the sky
As the scene of the peaceful mind
The candle light sharpen my eye sight
To let me see you clearly in the darkly time
The moon light reflection in the night
Brighten up the little corner of my heart inside
Display a beauty of you in my whole life
To alert myself I think of you and keep you tight
Never forget you and never hide
You are my sunshine

Thursday, May 14, 2009








见到你 我的心 就不停的向我说



望着夕阳的光芒 慢慢的转为我你浪漫的承诺

就是爱你才会想到 如此画面来带走我的寂寞





每一天 就是期待自己能让你幸福快乐的度过

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Work 4 It

A person can become lazy is because he is lazy and heartless and out of motivation. As a lazy person, I need to find out more way to comfort my moody feeling so that I can continue my work as well. In the other way round, if a person still keep on lazy the result still keep on empty or which is considered as zero. When look at the machine in the production room undergoing certain process, we get something from it. The mahcine is showing us that if the machine is not working and undergoes the process, there is no productivity for the day and get nothing. Once the machine is running the process although there are some errors or defects occured on the machine or product but at least the productivity is there. Once the defects and errors are detected, we will try to find out the solution to overcome it. Just like our life, no matter what life, study life or working life we need to do with what we can and do not miss out any opportunity. Lazy is not an excuse for me to stop doing work, I should begin to do my work as well. Sometime we can not compare the machine with the human, but the machine show us that we need to do if not we have no productivity means we gain nothing, no experience, no pain. Just like no pain no gain and also my own quote which is "no stress no success". It is hard to start a work but it is better than no work to do and waste the time. The error and defects that detected during the process of machine are similar to the difficulties that need to overcome by us in certain work. It is the experience we gain, the lesson we learn. So, I should start to do my work alr. It is nothing to lose for me to do a good work rather than doing something stupid and useless and also waste time. At least, do all the work with "heart" . Sang Chee, you may start now!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


我认识你并不久 大概靠近半年吧!
在msn里认识你的 你真的很可爱
上学期的考试 很谢谢你的鼓励 还有我们也互相勉励大家的
我还记得那一晚(30 Nov 2008)我们首次电话聊天,彼此听到对方的声音...
大家都觉得大家的声音都不像之前想象的 好好笑的 逗笑对方

慢慢的 大家都熟了 好朋友的关系 真的没想过
当你在电话里头哭泣的时候 我真得不懂该如何是好
我很想帮你 很想给你很好的意见 我不
还好最后我和你聊着聊着的 你破涕为笑了

你的感情问题 需要时间来证明一切 现在的你幸福了
我会默默的为你祝福 希望你能更幸福
我真的很希望你能好好过 永远得那么幸福快
希望你还记得我这好朋友的 要快乐幸福

Sunday, April 12, 2009



对于五年前的我非常的失望, 那一天的感觉我还记得的...
sms她的, 她给的回应是miss call. 我觉得她没有拒绝我的
我可能害怕姐弟恋吧 没有信心的
表白两天后的我就离开了她 继续升学,我们根本没有开始过.
就酱我们没有再见过对方了, 我认识她的那三个月里真的很开心
那天是我最伤心,心情超低的一次 在电话里头, 我很冷静的祝福她
她说她要结婚了,她邀请我出席她的婚礼 我当天不能出席 因为大学有测验

两天前,和她通了电话 很开心的因为还可以和她保持联络的 我们还是朋友
她告诉我她的两个“小宝贝”真的好可爱的 还说下次见面的话要带出来让我看看的
那感觉真的很不同 短短的五年里 大家都改变了许多 我还是老样子 学生一个
还有一个月我的学生生涯就要画上句号了! 回想起过去的我们就好像发生 好久好久的故事一样

现在的她真的好幸福的 也许一切往往都是被注定的 可能那时我和她在一起 现在的故事就不一样了 可能是天意吧! 她幸福我就快乐的 ....

Friday, March 27, 2009

MBSA memories 2009

I was involving in the MBSA volleyball open 2009 on 6 of March to 8 March 2008. I went to the Shah Alam for this volleyball tournament with the UMT volleyball team. When I was there I stayed at the hostel of the UiTM (Perdana Height Campus). I can be considered that I am the only Chinese at the campus. It is quite fun for me..hehehehe...The first day of the tournament, my UMT team won the first game easily and followed by the second game on the second day morning but we lost at the second round. So, we're out from the tournament. After we lost the game, then we went to the section 4 to watch the other match of the volleyball open which is the international level game between the "Ironlady" team from Thailand and "Arema" team from Indonesia. While enjoying the match between this two teams, I realized that their volleyball skill really really so advance and I need to have more practice so that can match to their level one day. Hahahaaha..Hope can make it one day lo. While watching the match, I noticed that the shemale team of Thai, the Ironlady's player are quite pretty lo although they are MIXED. hehehe..My favourite player is Number 6 from the team. I like heshe very much and took the photo with hisher. hehehe..Really unforgettable experience. After finish watching the match, then I followed the UMT bus went to KL city. When I was at the KL that time, I can be said that I was enjoying myself alone for the whole day. My first destination was the Times Square KL. I walked inside there quite a few hours and don know what to do..Quite bored a while then I continue to go to other complex. Then the next place I went to is the Low Yatt complex but really damn shit coz I forget that the day I went in there is Sunday. That's why the people inside the complex is countless and I have no space to walk and cant walk as easy as I can. So I don bother much la, just walk walk la..Hahahaa. The third place I went was the Sg wang complex. I was enjoying my tea/Lunch time at the BISTRO Delifrance there. I feel so happy that I can drink my favourtite Latte Cafe there alone. I feel so grateful to be there...wakakakakak..So enjoy!!! After my meal, then I just went back to the Time Sqaure to meet my teammate then waiting for the Uni bus to bring us back to UMT lo..That few days really nice becoz can away from the busy world here. But for now, all the hard thing is overed. What to do is focus on what I need to do for now.

Hostel of UiTM at the Perdana Height Campus

Volleyball Hall of MBSA Section 19 Shah Alam

My favourite player Number 6 from IronLady Thailand

Latte Coffee taken at the BISTRO Delifrance

Vegetable soup taken at the BISTRO Delifrance

Mayo egg Sandwich taken at BISTRO Delifrance

Sunday, March 22, 2009


尚志! 加油!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fall sick with love

When is the day that I never thinking of you at all?
That's no a day that you not appear in my mind
That's no time for me to ignore you at a side
I want to meet you but I am shy
I want to talk to you but always not at the right time
I always feel that I fall in love at the wrong time
But what to say is the love is blind
No matter how hard you had try
She still will appear in your mind
Because Love will never lie
You are now is fall sick with love!!!!
I really like her but I am scare of her!
Good luck man!

Friday, February 20, 2009

That Day @ A Memory 2009

I was just after the volleyball training in campus just now. So long time I din go for the physical train alr but I faced to it just now. Really so nice feel!!! When talking about the volleyball, I really feeling a problem with it. I got tournament for the volleyball soon and I also wanna use that tournament time to complete my works. I feel so annoying with this...coz I like it (volleyball)!!!!

After the valentine's day, almost 5days alr. This is a good time for me to review back what I had did on that day. Seriously, my lonely valentine's day really is a memorable day for me. Why I say so? sure got something that related to her. The nite before the valentine's day, I went to the campus to attend the Chinese Culture Nite UMT 2009. I went there is bacause I wanna to see her performance cause she was involving in the event. She did so well in that performance and I can see her clearly when she was dancing on the stage although there were a big group of dancer on the stage. I feel lucky to see her performance. After return home, 12.00am sharp I sms her and said HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to her. I feel so enough alr coz she replied me happy valentine's to me too. I feel so touch alr....

For the 14 Feb 2009, I went to the KT town in the morning. I sent my "Wife" back to the shop and go for some treatment. After sending it to the shop then I walk alone in the town of KT alone. I can be considered that walk in the KT and observe the surrounding of the KT. I walked almost near to one hour plus, walk here and walk there and see see the shop and environment that KT town have. Really not bad just the weather is too hot only. After walk walk, then I reach to the Uncle Chua Kopitiam. That moment I can be said I was damn hungry. Therefore, I straight order the Curry Noodles and a cup of coffee O as my breakfast.

Curry Noodles and Kopi O from Uncle Chua Kopitiam

After my breakfast then I continue to walk back to take my bike then go home. So, the rest of the day I was kept in the house and din go anywhere alr. As for my dinner, I settle with my brother, Ec. We went to the Pok Wan Kopitiam which is near to our housing area here.Our dinner actually is quite heavy, I ordered the Bihun cantonese and Ec was ordered the Ginger Beef Koey Teow cantonese if not mistaken. Actually both of us bit gay gay coz always dating together and share the food together.Hehehehe..But really nice la. hahaha..Better than eat the food alone.

On the valentine's day that nite, I can feel that she will not lonely and all her friend will together with her. But I realized that she mentioned before that she never receive any surprise during this special day. That day, I think and think and wanna give her a good and unforgettable memory. I not dare to do it. I so worry....don know why...Finally, before the day of the Valentine's Day end I decided to do something for her. I finally come out with an idea, that's sing a song for her before the valentine's day ended. At least got a guy sing a sweet song for her and also is a surprise for her too. So, I called her via phone and sing a chinese song named as "守候”(shou hou) means watch for her. When I sing the song that time I really put all my feeling into the song and sing it as well as I can. I really sincere wish and hope that she get touch by the song and my voice and will always remember it. This is my first time of sing song for a girl I like during valentine's day. This is also can be said is my another unforgettable memory.

I really hope that one day she really can understand me. I hope can meet her and talk to her soon. She is busy with her works now I think. Each time when I wanna sms or call her I also afraid I will disturb her or bothering her. Her support to me in studies also very important. When I feel down, after seeing the supporting message from her, I can suddenly got a good mood and feel energetic to my work. Thus, my life can't stay without her!!!!Not only in mind but is in life. I miss her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Lonely Valentine's Day

The earth still rotating and changing but my mind is halted here....Feel like getting tired in all the works and the mission that I have to be completed.Sound like so down and no mood in doing everything...Really no mood in doing work at this moment....There are so many reasons to be lazy...For me, I really don know about it.....One important thing that always bothering me is my mind......My mind is out of control and always push me to the other side...Should be ....Hahahaahahahahahaa I am sure is because of thinking too much on a person....Ya, yes I do....This may link to the this coming Valentine day.....I will not celebrate with anyone and I plan to have a Lonely Valentine's Day...I may prepare myself a valentine time and a lonely space to calm down my mind...I may write a letter and go to our special and read it out and recall the sweet memory that we have before....But at the same time I may wish her a happy valentine's day !!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

sweet Talk

Happy Chinese New(Niu) Year 2009!
I am now at my home town with my family. The feeling really different and I feel warm and great to be at home. I spent all my time with the house before this CNY coz I have to clean the house so that can celebrate this special day with a good condition and environment. For the reunion dinner just now, hehehehe I was sitting with my father only...U know why? this is becoz my dad and me were the last 2 person took the dinner. The rest of the family members finished alr lo. My dad and me can consider late lo...hahaaha but quite nice feel. After the dinner then I spent my time and talk to Ec via phone. We talk a lot and laugh a lot also...we talk almost near to 40 minutes like that...quite long the talking time...Around 10.45pm..I drive the car up to the top of the hill of the Balik Pulau. I not alone at this moment, I was together with my close close friend, CJ and Gary Lam. We all enjoyed the nite view of the Balik Pulau and seeing the fireworks of the chinese new year too.

The most important moment is started after 12am...I called her...and she picked up the phone and talk to me. This is my 1st time calling her via my phone and talk to her via phone. It's really a sweet talk for me tonight although I can't see her and meet her tonight. I feel enough alr coz can hear her sweet voice. while talking to her I also can hear that her kampung there also got the huge sound of the fire crackers. That sound really make me have a strong cny feel for this year. while enjoying the fireworks, I was too excited and sing a song to her and I think this song make her feel bit embrassed. I really talk too much alr lo...I really hope that I can be her best best friend at this moment. Just hope that she will not ignore me de...I really started afraid alr...I really talk more than that alr......but it is really a nice and sweet talk with her. One more unforgettable......

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sweet walk

After the sweet nite, I had a sweet walk with her again...
I really never expected that we walk at the seaside in the evening.
when walking at the seaside that time, I can be said that I really feeling so shy
don know what to talk de.maybe this is my first time with girl at the seaside
or the condition is too romantic alr. Seriously, the weather of the day damn nice and make me feel romantic and the walk of me and her is considered as the sweet walk de.
both of us look at the sky enjoy the rosy so so nice feeling....I hope and wish that she also feeling the same..
This is my most blessing time....I also wish that I can have it again
I like this sweet feeling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sweet Night

You were at the bus stop there
I was the one walking toward to the bus stop
Once I saw you, you smile to me
Your smiling so sweet and lead me close to you
You were waiting for me about 5 minutes
I started the conversation
Am I late??? Actually not really....

I just telling her why I was late
Then we find a place and have a drink + chat
we chat ... chat chat...nonstop chatting..
From the first place chat till to the other place
then the finally we shared our story at the small pondok near the hostel
we really talk a lot of stories...Story bout our childhood and so so so so on
The whole nite, I cant forget that sweet feel....
The feeling really sweeter than the honey and sugar...

I wish and hope can meet her again and share the story again....
Unforgettable moment for me........

Friday, January 9, 2009

Thinking ............Of ..........You

Year 2009 already lo...
A new year is started....
It is the time for us to fill up the new story into the blank paper of the year 2009.
As for this year, should be a tough year for all of us and we need to make this year to become more meaningful and better. Recently, that's a lot of thing that bothering me and make me lost my direction again. The major thing, I think is the final year project...really have to think out a better way to finish it as soon as I can. Some more, previously I thought I can forget bout her alr, recently she appeared into my mind again...I always wanna sms her and call her, but I refuse to do so coz I really afraid that I will disturb her..I know that she and me is imppossible and I don wan to think of it alr...But then her name still surrounding my mind my head and also in front of my eye...She may know I got feel on her or she may not know. Actually I also afraid she know bout this...I wanna escape from this situation .....I think I can make it...when seeing other couple sweet sweet in front of me really make me jealous and make me thinking of her de although we are just friend...but she also give me a nice feeling and her voice also as sweet as sugar...If got chance to hear again then sure is the best luck for is bliss to hear from her again. Her name also very meaningful, it means high, noble and exalted or also can be mean as "strong". Unforgettable...